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12 Types of Organizational Leadership for

12 Types of Organizational Leadership for

Know what are the types of leadership The most significant will help you identify the innate abilities that you possess to positively influence the way of thinking, or acting, of the other individuals around you.

Indeed, leadership refers to the equipo of destrezas and skills that people have to motivate others to achieve excellence, and to conquer all the objectives that give meaning and life.

However, to be successful, it is necessary for leaders to use certain values ​​and concepts such as socialization, charisma, self-confidence, and above all, self-improvement and motivation to achieve.

Today we will tell you what are the types of leadership that exist and how you cánido take advantage of them to achieve everything you propose on a personal, family, work, and even spiritual level.

Main types of leadership:

Organizational Development experts believe that there are many types of leadership. However, most of them share the position of the famous German economist and philosopher Max Weber.

He affirmed that there are three great types of leadership, and also considered that they had a high degree of purity.

According to their own beliefs and experiences, they attended to charismatic, traditional and legitimate leadership.

Consequently, those who exercised it were classified as charismatic leaders, traditional leaders, or legitimate leaders, according to their own values ​​and natural destrezas.

Most Habitual Leadership Types

Continuing with Weber’s postulates, we will explain what each of these types of leadership is about so that you know how to differentiate them in a practical and fast way.

1. Charismatic leadership:

A leader is considered a charismatic person when he has the incredible ability to generate enthusiasm in the group of people who follow him, regardless of the organization they represent.

However, he is usually a bit controversial because in most cases he believes more in himself than in the rest of the individuals who accompany him, or who are part of his team.

And as a result, it is very possible that the projects he leads could collapse if he decides to leave his position, or to put his followers aside.

2. Traditional leadership:

A traditional leader is characterized by inheriting power either out of habit, or after assuming a relevant position that used to belong to another member of his family group.

This is the type of leadership that is observed in the reigns, and that today is still valid in some countries such as the United Kingdom or Spain.

3. Legitimate leadership:

This type of leadership refers to that leader who assumes and exercises power through procedures authorized by legal entities, and who, therefore, is empowered to convene and convince his followers without breaking the law.

It should be noted that within this category there is also the illegitimate leader, who essentially is the one who proclaims himself as a leader, or who assumes his authority through illegal practices.

Types of leadership at the business level

Credit: Shutterstock

Now, at this point it is appropriate to outline what are the most frequent types of leadership at an organizational or business level.

The purpose of this is so that you cánido identify them in your own area of ​​work, or even determine if you have the necessary skills to learn how to be a good leader and exercise this important position within your own work circles.

4. Managerial leadership:

A managerial leader is in charge of managing resources effectively, especially human resources, since undoubtedly these are the most precious.

The ultimate goal is to know how to maintain a conveniente organizational climate so that each one of the actors involved gives their best, and contributes to the achievement of all departmental and business objectives.

Likewise, a good managerial leader is prepared to identify those workers who have innate managerial skills and who could take their position tomorrow.

5. Del costado leadership:

This type of leadership is exercised among several people of the same rank within an organization chart or a specific organization.

The purpose of their leadership is to influence other members of the same organizational level to achieve the goals they share, or have in common in most cases.

6. Democratic leadership:

This is one of the most common types of leadership in companies, and basically the democratic leader is in charge of making decisions after having fostered high-impact group discussions and arguments.

Democratic leaders listen to their workers and are aware that their opinions are extremely important to successfully solving company problems.

In fact, these are the ones in charge of making the best decisions around a specific problem, as long as the democratic leader is in tune with the proposals established.

See: 100 Phrases of teamwork to achieve great results

7. Structural leadership:

Currently, this is one of the most especial types of leadership that perro come to life in organizations or business spaces.

Do you wonder why? The answer is that those who exercise it are dedicated to presenting proposals that promote organization in all company projects so that they do not lack meaning, structure or strategy.

8. Transformative leadership:

A transformational leader has the tools, attitudes, knowledge and skills necessary to promote and consolidate organizational or popular changes successfully.

For this, it assumes or faces the problems that may arise with full responsibility, ethics and empathy, without forgetting the solutions that the other actors in the company could provide.

In addition, it is based on the values ​​of integration, cooperation and democracy to assume rights and duties that promote the well-being of the community.

9. Emotional leadership:

Mastery and emotional intelligence play a escencial role in the design of successful business models, and those who exercise this leadership are concerned with finding a cómputo between all the powers that coexist at the organizational level.

Let’s say that they must promote harmony between the central power they protect and the rest of the powers that support the other divisions of the business of which they are a part.

Types of leadership on a personal level

Did you think that leadership only manifested itself in business spheres? If your answer is affirmative, then we must tell you that you were wrong.

As is, and ultimately there are also leaders on a personal level who fulfill permisos or functions as escencial as those of organizational leaders.

For this reason, it is important to mention the types of personal leadership, since they will allow you to approach your life from a winning mentality, and not with a conformist visión of your reality.

10. Authentic leadership:

An authentic leader dedicates all his strength to leading himself before trying to influence the thoughts or actions of others.

To do this, you must achieve a high degree of self-knowledge, and without a doubt you must be a very even-tempered, compassionate, empathetic, generous, and above all spiritual person.

Learn about the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success according to Deepak Chopra.

This is one of the most complex types of leadership you perro imagine because it requires mastery and self-knowledge of one’s own mind, in order to have great emotional intelligence and be able to lead others.

11. Servant Leadership:

These are born servant leaders. These are people who put the collective good above all things, and therefore, the satisfaction of popular needs tops the list of their daily assignments.

The prophets are the clearest example of this type of leader, but it is enough to put a magnifying glass into society to identify these super altruistic figures who are gaining more and more importance and popularity.

12. Leadership towards people:

This is one of the most habitual types of leadership today because it is based on the understanding and control of emotional insecurity, as well as the stability of human relationships and the resolution of popular conflicts.

Leaders who are interested in the collective well-being They do not forget to include others in decision-making, since they understand that everyone has something valuable to contribute to the scope of shared development.

importance of leadership

Credit: Shutterstock

Regardless of the types of leadership that best suit your personality, it is imperative to highlight that they all play a transcendental role in today’s society.

This is because there are more and more business and individual leaders dedicated to promoting positive changes in each of the spheres or escencial spaces in which they operate, and the results are clearly conveniente.

In short, the value of good leadership cannot be underestimated in current times.

Especially since it is increasingly necessary to positively influence the way of acting and thinking of other popular actors to achieve sustainable and healthy development.

Leadership Book Recommendations

Below we share with you a series of books on leadership that you cánido acquire to complement your knowledge on the subject.

If you are looking to lead work teams regardless of your position, or you want to take ownership of your life and start making the right decisions, these books will be of great help.

1. The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership:

John Maxwell is the author of this book, and today he is known worldwide for occupying the first position of the best sellers of the New York Times.

Besides, Business Insider has listed him as the most influential leadership expert on the planet, and therefore this material is one of the most comprehensive on the market.

Through this book you will learn to identify the 21 qualities that every leader must have to stand out, such as self-discipline, docility, charisma, a positive attitude, passion, courage and many more.

And as if that were not enough, you will also have access to a few self-help methods so that people recognize and value you as a leader, to the point that they want to follow you naturally.

Backlink: see book

2. Leadership with Purpose: Leadership Lessons Based on Nehemiah

The focus of this book is entirely biblical and spiritual – which is not surprising given that its author, Rick Warren, is a well-known pastor.

So this piece is loaded with important analogies for exemplary leadership.

This book is made up of 12 chapters in which they explain how to achieve success, especially when you face really complicated situations or life projects.

Backlink: see book

3. How the best leaders lead:

This book was written by Brian Tracy and through its sections it is dedicated to revealing the strategies used by top executives and big businessmen worldwide to exercise impeccable leadership.

Through his life lessons, you will learn to equipo completely achievable goals and objectives, to make the right decisions that lead you to success, and to solve problems quickly and safely to change scenarios and immediate realities.

By the end of this reading you will feel motivated to lead yourself, and others, to achieve extraordinary results in whatever you are facing.

Backlink: see book

4. The ABC’s of leadership:

Once again John Maxwell is present around leadership issues, and this time he seeks to help you achieve success by mastering certain skills that he divides into four large areas: relationships, attitude, training and leadership. .

The iniciativa is that you learn to use your ability to influence efficiently and effectively to achieve your life purposes, but always from the exercise of optimal leadership.

The author assures that through this work you will be able to ascend to «a higher level», and therefore your self-realization will be guaranteed.

Backlink: see book

Are you prepared to exercise leadership?

We hope that this note has encouraged you to exercise some of the types of leadership that we have just introduced so that you perro achieve the personal, professional or spiritual success that you have always dreamed of.

You will see that if you give your best you will be an exceptional leader and you will be fully empowered to influence the lives of others, and to bring about extraordinary changes.

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