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10 Professions of the future that will revolutionize

10 Professions of the future that will revolutionize

Knowing the main professions of the future is vital to understand how the tarea market will move in the near future, and also so that you cánido make more realistic and intelligent professional decisions.

Especially since the World Economic Forum has revealed that 65% of students who are in primary school today will end up practicing an irrelevant profession in the coming years.

Knowledge is power, and therefore, you should know what are those careers that could offer you excellent professional growth tomorrow.

Careers that will be useful in the future:

Most of them are linked to robotics and technology, and many others business with future that will simply end up revolutionizing the entire world.

This responds to the evolution of society as we know it, and therefore to the needs that are generated over time.

Here are 10 careers that will have massive global utility and demand for decades to come.

1. Big Data Analysts

This career is not only considered one of the greatest professions of the future, but also the most promising of the entire 21st century.

In fact, the former chief economist of Google plusHal Varian, has spent years predicting the success of this profession in the modern era.

This is because Big Data analysis is key to improving services and developing new products, those that really meet the needs of the audience.

The volume of data handled by the companies it becomes more and more gigantic, and therefore, they are forced to hire expert analysts in statistics, programming and mathematics.

Their main task is to translate this large volume of information into knowledge and valuable data for companies.

In this way, competent personnel will be better able to make assertive, competitive and intelligent decisions.

According to statistics from Payscale, a Big Data analyst cánido earn up to $147,000 per year in the United States, including certain bonuses and additional compensation.

2. Artificial Intelligence Specialist

It is one of the most demanded and demanding professions of the future that you perro imagine.

In fact, a recent investigation of LinkedIn concluded that this will become one of the best «emerging jobs» of the coming years, which anticipates its success.

It could be said that this profession is already in trend, but that it has not yet reached its highest demand.

The reason is fácil: Artificial Intelligence has multiple implications and emplees in today’s world, especially in the medical, computer and technological fields.

Those specializing in this will need to develop competencies in Java, Data Science or Machine Learning; so they should be competitive and comprehensive professionals.

An expert programmer in Artificial Intelligence cánido earn an annual salary of $104,000 dollars, according to official figures from ziprecruiter.

3. Robotics Engineering

Without a doubt, this is one of the most relevant and necessary professions of the future, since it involves the robotization of many processes at an industrial, technological and commercial level.

The university career in robotics engineering is basically responsible for designing, supervising and improving machines or robots, which will end up transforming many productive and manufacturing areas.

In 2020, LinkedIn revealed that this career was beginning to take off in countries such as the United States, China and Spain, since 65% of the professionals registered in this network were dedicated to robotics.

According Glassdoor, The average salary for a Robotics Engineer is $91,836 per year.

In addition, this professional cánido earn $45 per hour (2% more than the average hourly pay in the United States for this type of high-level career).

4. Expert in ecommerce

Web developers who specialize in ecommerce they will have the fortune to practice one of the best professions of the future.

During the exercise of this career they must design and manage stores on-lineor create and run marketing campaigns ecommerce that fit the nature of each popular network.

Another of its most demanded functions consists of registering certain products in marketplaces like Amazon.

In the United States, the average salary of a junior specialist in ecommerce is $49,000 a year, while the most experienced cánido earn up to $71,000 a year.

This will be one of the most profitable and habitual professions, considering that electronic commerce is growing at a fast pace worldwide.

In fact, according to figures from Shopify this market will grow 21% by 2024, while its estimated earnings for the end of this year will exceed $4 trillion dollars.

5. Usuario Experience Expert (UE)

Offering an excellent usuario experience is key in the digital age. This is because users want to live a pleasant and functional experience when using a mobile aplicaciónor when visiting a certain web page of products or services.

That is what is known as “Usuario Experience”, or “usuario experience (EU)”, and right now it is very relevant for small, medium and large companies.

If you are passionate about popular networks, and also feel comfortable working remotely, you perro take great advantage of these profitable business linked to the EU.

Experts in this field study consumer behavior in detail, and also program and design mobile and web interfaces that are productive for brands.

Today, the most experienced cánido earn more than $147,000 a year in certain cities in the United States.

In fact, companies like Microsoft, Cisco Systems, IBM, Google plus and AmazonThey already offer an annual salary of more than $100,000 to these specialists.

Without a doubt, this is one of the most lucrative professions of the future, since its growth and demand will not stop in the coming years.

6. 3D Printer

3D printing designers specialized in the textile ámbito will be in high demand in the next decade.

Although it would be illogical to deny that they are already being recruited massively around the world.

These professionals play a primordial role in numerous companies, since thanks to their skills, knowledge and abilities they are able to lower their production and distribution costs.

Likewise, they disminuye delivery times, which translates into a great saving of time and money.

In short, 3D printing designers are essential in modern organizations, especially if they are related to the footwear, fabric, fashion or decoration industry.

7. Experts in Digital Agriculture and Livestock

Some digital business They are here to stay, especially as they fuel the rise of the best professions of the future.

This is precisely the case of this race, which is emerging as one of the most necessary and positive for the entire world over the next 20 years.

Its high degree of relevance and demand is attributed to the ravages caused by climate change on the largest cultivated areas.

These transformations are causing irreversible damage to the environment, as well as to the agricultural and livestock industry itself; And if world overpopulation is added to this, the scenario is really worrying.

Consequently, engineers specializing in digital agriculture and livestock will continue to be in high demand and useful to develop new technologies and systems that address these challenges.

According to World Bank estimates, by 2050 food production should grow by 70%, and this will only It will be possible through smart agriculture.

Therefore, these specialists must rely on technologies such as Big Data and Machine Learningto optimize the efficiency of the land and supply the global market.

8. Architect of cloud computing

Cloud computing, better known as cloud computing, It is one of the most important technical skills for companies because they make Internet connections as easy as possible.

In addition, it omits the installation of additional programa and improves the effectiveness and productivity to unsuspected levels.

At this time it is very feasible to manage tasks, systems and benefits in the cloud, specifically through archivos, databases and even correos electrónicos.

The architects of cloud computing They are in charge of designing and managing spaces in the cloud, as well as executing functions capable of adapting to the constant changes that arise in the digital ecosystem.

For this reason, this has emerged as another of the best professions of the future, and those who choose it could receive excellent remuneration.

9. CRM specialists

Customer relationship managers, also known as CRMs, drive the growth of small, medium and large brands; and that is why they have gained a escencial boom in recent years.

However, this is considered one of the great professions of the future since the relationships to attract new clients will not stop updating.

These specialists know how to optimize these relationships through popular networks, dirección de correo electrónico marketing, form generation and sales strategies and after sales.

In addition, they are trained to retain existing customers thanks to their mastery of the best CRMs on the market.

Today, the average salary for a CRM manager exceeds $80,000 per year, according to estimates from Glassdoor.

10. Cybersecurity expert

Cybersecurity experts will be required massively and globally in the coming decades, according to research conducted by LinkedIn and many other companies.

That is why it is not surprising that this is one of the main emerging careers on the entire planet.

These specialists are in charge of managing cloud storage, executing valuable functions for electronic commerce, or facilitating the use of shared archivos in a reliable and secure way.

Their work is vital to promote cybersecurity and to provide peace of mind and confidence to Internet users.

According ziprecruitersthe highest paid cybersecurity analysts receive a monthly salary of more than $11,000 dollars, and therefore, their annual income is around $136,000 dollars.

Promising and emerging careers

These 10 professions of the future will revolutionize the entire world, especially in the fields of robotics, science and technology, and digital ecosystems.

In short, they are very promising and emerging careers that could offer you a professional future full of triumphs and great successes.

Continue reading: The 20 highest paying jobs of the next decade

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