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10 Keys to create a personal image

10 Keys to create a personal image

Personal image has become very important nowadays; from the image you project on popular networks, the way you dress, to your body language is constantly creating a personal image.

So much so that, with a fácil look or a few words, we cánido espectáculo if we are a person with projection, emotional intelligence and goals; or on the contrary, if we are someone with problems relating to and living with others.

The first impression we offer of our personal image It is the one that will normally stay in people’s minds, and therein lies the importance of it being a good one, since that is the one that perro create opportunities or close our paths.

What we are, and what they think of us:

Whether we agree or not, the physique plays a primordial role in the personal image; since he is the first thing that people appreciate, followed by the security when speaking and the body and verbal language that we express.

Security, confidence and solidity in the topics of conversation They are the ones that strengthen the physical appearance and forge our personal image.

The first impression usually lasts over time. In fact, on very few occasions, we have the possibility of changing what others perceive the first time they meet us.

This is why it is so important make a very good first impressionregardless of whether we are applying for a job, encuentro new people or closing a business.

En línea course: Design your personal brand strategy step by step

Now, it is likely that in our desire to make a good impression, we build an image that is not really who we are, but rather what we want to project.

That is the difference between what we really are and what others think of us.

For our image to truly be the projection of who we are, we must be consistent in all our facets. This means that our behaviors, actions and thoughts must match in some way in front of the people we meet.

Importance of personal image

The personal image plays a primordial role in the way we want to be remembered, since it is not only about an image that we want to project, but also to focus on being remembered with adjectives, conclusions and positive thoughts.

The importance of personal image is due to the fact that this is a way of communicating with others.

In fact, it is an element that we perro use to our advantage, as many times as we want, since thanks to our image we perro project the importance of the occasion, the person or the situation.

For example, it is not the same to arrive in a suit to a encuentro, than in casual clothes. Depending on the situation and environment, your personal image will say a lot about you.

Communication and personal image

Communication is a primordial basis for your personal image. Not only the physical appearance or the way you dress is enough.

Verbal and non-verbal language says a lot about you, as we said before. Eye contact, gestures, body position and intonation of us.

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This is the case, for example, when we are in an interview or on a date, our hands say a lot about the security we project, and how we are feeling at that moment.

every move countsthe hands perro reflect that we are in an uncomfortable moment or that we do not feel comfortable with the situation.

That is why communication, both in words and gestures, must reflect what we really want to project. In case of being a person who lacks security, we must focus on working on that part of our personal image.

Work and personal image

In the work area, the personal image usually helps us a lot. What we reflect will be key to our professional life.

From a first impression, to the words we say and the gestures we have, they perro lead us to reflect the good reputation we may have or to inspire trust in our customers, new business opportunities or co-workers.

To look good you don’t have to spend so much money

The clothing will say a lot about you, and we are not talking about costs that you must invest. Simply, what you use will affirm your personality, therefore it enters among the details that stand out from the personal image.

By knowing what looks good on your body, and that it is consistent with the situations where you must develop, you will have a large part of the ground gained.

At times, clothing perro create the impression of being accessible to others, disinterested, or domineering. Which do you want to project?

For example, in trials it is essential to wear the correct clothing. By projecting an image of innocence before a jury, you cánido get yourself found not guilty.

It is what has been used in recent years. So much so, that there are professionals who help define the clothing to achieve the perfect image.

Another perfect example are politicians. Who always want to appear accessible and get closer to their people to get more votes. The appearance they project is what helps them get votes.

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This is why if you want to be taken seriously in the professional field, you should know that personal image is more than something superficial, it is a work tool that you must work on every day.

For example, in the case of a job interview, you should go according to the position you are applying for, since it is the first impression and what you are going to reflect as the professional you want to be for that position.

En línea course: Your communication and image in a job interview

Appearance has a lot to do with our personal image; that the clothes are in good condition and clean, the smell that we have, an appropriate and natural makeup, in the case of women, fácil accessories, in men the beard and well-groomed and well-groomed hair.

This, added to our attitude, behavior and the tone and volume of our voice, will be the perfect tools to get that job you want so much.

Then, this perro be complemented by learning how to be a better person: being kind every morning when you arrive at the office, arriving with a smile, a good response to everyone.

Popular networks and personal image

Popular networks are proof of the importance of technology in our lives. Today we perro earn money en línea, know how our relatives are doing and connect with the world thanks to this digital age.

Additionally, our life en línea is permanent; This image does not sleep, it is active 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. He does not take vacations, nor does he go to sleep when he feels bad.

This is where you should have the delicacy of asign a personal image that is the real one, the one we want to project and for which we want to be remembered.

Nowadays, popular networks are a window of your personal image to get a job. Well, many areas of human resources entrar the popular networks of their prospects to find out what they are like and what image they have.

It is also important, since it espectáculos if you have good interpersonal relationships, if you are in a relationship, if you are emotionally stable and even if you have other profitable businesses, interests or tastes through your publications.

Consejos to follow to have a good personal image on popular networks:

Here is a series of practical consejos that you perro take into account to build a personal image on popular media according to your goals.

Profile picture:

This should reflect who you are. The colors should match your skin color, eyes and background. This is the image that will appear in each of your posts, which is why it should be the most important.

The image should be natural, without much retouching that exposes your emotional insecurity, but always in keeping with who you are, without seeming carefree or abandoned.

virtual vocabulary:

Here may be the key between what you project and what you really are, as we said before, language and communication are essential. The vocabulary you use will be evidence of how respectful or polite you are, or not.


Although you are posting on your personal profile, it is highly valued that you have a writing flawless. This way you perro espectáculo that you would be an excellent professional.


Prudence should always be your flag. From the comments you cánido make an assessment of what kind of person you are and whether or not you cánido adapt to a workspace.

When someone enters your profile and reviews a couple of comments that you have made to your friends in a publication, it will be key to building your first impression on popular networks or not.

Publication hours:

Human resources has joined technology to measure the performance of its workers. That is why, when publications are made during business hours, they are not well received by companies.

Sometimes it perro cost a job, when they realize that the employee is posting at the time they should be working.

In the case that you have an en línea job, you must make sure that popular networks do not get in the way of your daily productivity.

Popular networks are personal. But they also reflect how professional you cánido be. A company could be interested in you simply because of your Twitter or Instagram profile.

With the personal image you cánido get closer to the goals you equipo for yourself. Next, we will mention ten keys for you to project the image you want:

1. You have to know what objective you want to achieve with your image: The clothes and your gestures must be according to your objectives. If you want to project maturity and professionalism, it would be strange if the performances are always very casual.

2. Wear the right colors when dressing: Although everyone has their own style, it is also important to know how to use the chords for the moment in which you present yourself.

It is not highly recommended to wear red to a job interview. Meanwhile, the blue color will make you project confidence and leadership.

3. Take care of your non-verbal language: sudden movements and nervous tics perro give you away. Hands must be under control, cared for and clean so that when greeting and being in an interview you perro give an image of safety and tranquility.

4. He is comfortable with your body: insecurities are not well seen before a job or an interview. Whatever your body is, wear it with security and confidence. Dress how it suits your body best, know it and love it, so you cánido reflect the best of you.

5. Be respectful without losing your safety: Security makes a person interesting and respect even more. Whenever you speak, look into their eyes, remember not to interrupt people when it is their turn to speak and being friendly will always be a agregado.

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6. Different textures: To dress, focus on being innovative by playing with textures, as long as you don’t fall into bad taste. Heavy fabrics make you look professional, while lacy or sheer fabrics look frivolous.

7. Walk safely: The posture says a lot about you and what you reflect. Looking ahead and a good, upright and confident posture will make you appear professional and that you are ready to conquer the whole world. Never walk facing the ground.

8. Details always count: The length of the pants, that the clothes are not wrinkled, clean shoes. In the details is the best impression you perro give.

9. Believe in yourself: Nobody is like you, your qualities, virtues, triumphs and failures have made you what you are today and the image you project. The effort you make is unique, you are good and you must value yourself so that others do too.

10. There is time for everything: There are times for laughter and jokes, as well as times to be serious and work hard so that your work life is as good as your personal life.

It will be easier to express what we really are, because the personal image will be built, formed and cared for every day of our lives. Especially if it is in a work environment or virtual.

In the event that any of our actions do not match what we have projected of ourselves, it is likely that our image will be weakened and they will feel that we are being unreal. And in very few cases, the reconstruction of this image that we once had is very unlikely.

Continue reading: How to be more interesting and captivate others in 10 fácil steps

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