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10 benefits that espectáculo the importance

10 benefits that espectáculo the importance

We are all clear and understand the importance of reading, the power that books have on our future. Unfortunately, our reading habits are quite poor.

Due to different reasons; ranging from the educational system that presented us with books as an obligation and not as a source of learning, to popular networks, which require minimal effort compared to the time required to read a book, books represent a whole challenge today.

Based on this, in this article we will share with you some reasons why you should read, we will explain some benefits, advantages and profits that you get when you read, and finally we will leave you with a series of tricks so that you perro get the most out of it.

Reading in numbers:

As we mentioned, the vast majority recognize the importance of reading, but the numbers espectáculo another reality.

According to the 2015 National Reading and Writing Survey carried out in México, it was found that Mexicans read 5.3 books a year, of which 1.8 are out of necessity and the rest for pleasure.

Within this same survey, based on a study by Cerlalc in 2012, called the Book in Figures, the following results were found:

These figures are quite critical, and even more when we know the importance of reading and recognize that a book cánido become a powerful tool to change your life, and consequently transform a society.

In other words, books are able to impact your life. These perro group stories, examples, acts and ideas that change the way you live your life, as long as you are willing to access them. And therein lies the importance of reading in your life.

The importance of reading to transform your life:

At this point you should know that the importance of reading has a lot to do with learning, with the types of intelligence, and above all, with the full and healthy development of the human being.

For all this, and for what you will read below, we conclude that books cánido become your best mentors:

  • Knowing how to read is vital to develop and improve human relationships.
  • A person who knows how to read has a great tool to exploit their intellect and explore all spectrums of knowledge.
  • The importance of reading is an aspect intrinsically related to the ability to express oneself and communicate assertively.
  • Reading is one of the best practices to keep your brain healthy, as it has been shown to activate memory and neural pathways.

Undoubtedly, reading will allow you to move towards your goals successfully, since books train you, open up many opportunities for you, change your mentality, give you a new perspective, among other benefits that we will share below:

You will meet great characters through books:

Would you like to have as mentors the successful people who changed the course of this planet? Of those who transformed society with their thoughts and actions, and who unfortunately are no longer with us?

It is in your hands if you escoge to have them or not, they have a lot of advice to give you through a book.

Cases like Steve Jobs in his biography, and Albert Einstein or Nelson Mandela with their advice, are just a clic away, or a trip to the bookstore.

De hecho, Warren Buffett one of the richest men on the planet, says that one of the best investments you cánido make in your life is yourself, and confesses that the importance of reading lies in the fact that this habit will put you above the rest by making money.

Books are your best investment:

Books cánido become one of the best investments you perro make in yourself. While these do cost money, I think it’s more expensive not to buy them, as once you access them, the implications and gains are unimaginable.

The importance of reading in our life is manifested in many ways. When a book reaches your hands, things cánido happen, such as:

  • When you start reading a book it opens your mind and increases your mental power.
  • A book gives you a new perspective on a problem or situation in your life.
  • They help you solve problems, understand situations and consider new scenarios.
  • A book amplifies your world and inspires you to act. A book increases the power of your mind.

Bearing in mind all these positive implications, we conclude that a book is a fairly cheap investment compared to the importance of reading and its benefits in our lives.

The benefits of reading:

The benefits of reading are multiple, and that should give you an iniciativa of ​​how important it is to cultivate this habit for at least a couple of hours a day.

How many times have you heard the phrase that says that after reading a book, one is never the same again? Surely many times, and it is that it is así, when you understand the importance of reading, books become that necessary tool to succeed in life.

Here are some of the benefits of reading in your life.

– Books make you a much more interesting person, as they open the door to discover new topics and interests.

– Books make you a person with much more confidence in yourself. In part this is because by reading you enrich your vocabulary, and therefore, you will be able to express yourself and communicate with greater grace, precision and eloquence.

– By reading you stay updated and informed about world events.

– By reading you become educated on the topics that you like or are passionate about; that is, reading enhances your intellectuality significantly. You also stimulate your imagination, creativity and curiosity, so you will always be eager to continue nurturing your intellect.

– If you are looking for inspiration or personal motivation, you perro dedicate yourself to reading a couple of hours a day: we assure you that you will find it sooner rather than later.

– The importance of reading is also linked to the ability to relax and disminuye stress, so much so that some studies have suggested that reading helps you entrar a state of calm and serenity.

After knowing all its benefits, why don’t we read?

I think one of the reasons is that a book, unlike an article, a blog or any other medium, becomes a long-term commitment. Books require perseverance and dedication to finish them.

If you are one of those who finds it difficult to get into the habit of reading, or you are not able to commit to a book, then I present a small plan to achieve it:

Consejos to encourage reading:

1. Try to have a book on hand: carry it in your bag, have it in your office, or download some eBooks on your móvil inteligente.

2. Disconnect from popular networks and turn off the television: instead of occupying your free time in this way, you cánido take advantage of it to read. In fact, this is one of the keys to reading more than 100 a year.

3. Join a book club: there you will meet other readers, share hobbies and motivate each other to read often.

4. Visit libraries and experience the energy that covers those places: you will surely love the experience and inspire you to read more and more.

5. Read about topics you like: Don’t force yourself to read news or topics you don’t find exciting, as this will only make you feel overwhelmed, frustrated, or discouraged.

6. Do your research on the importance of reading so you know how it cánido help you grow personally and professionally.

7. Don’t think about how many books you’re going to read a month, but about how many pages or chapters you’ll read today. This is one of the tactics that Bill Gates emplees to read.

8. Make reading your book a habit by committing to reading 20-30 minutes a day, no matter what (no matter what excuse you have).

9. Make a deal with your partner, friend, or co-worker to finish the book. Start a challenge of reading one book a month, the next two books, and so on. When you do it as a team it is much easier to achieve it.

10. Nowadays you don’t have to spend a penny to reinforce your reading habits, since you cánido download free books en línea and from the comfort of your home.

And if you are one of those who You prefer to listen, so don’t hesitate to download audiobooks in Spanish on your favorite device so that you perro access them whenever you need it, and from wherever you are. Among the options you have are:

Amazon Kindle: You cánido access more than a million titles, regardless of your device. You cánido read books with the Kindle aplicación on your móvil inteligente, tablet, or computer.

Backlink: Access Kindle

Audible: If you like audiobooks this tool is excellent. The first month is trial and you have more than 180,000 titles to enjoy in your car or while you’re walking. You choose.

Backlink: Access Audible

You also have options like Scribd which includes two months free, access to the library of your city, a bookstore or visit a university. Money cannot be an excuse for not taking advantage of the importance of reading.

Books as a source of learning:

As we mentioned, for most people books represent an obligation, a commitment, a job to be done and not a source of learning. They look at them as a pending and not as an opportunity to learn how to be smarter.

However, when you understand the importance of reading, you move away from this paradigm and realize that when you start reading a book you are about to receive the advice of the best guía in your life, advice from someone extremely successful.

What do you think will happen to you if you commit to reading the most successful people on this planet, and then apply their advice? At the very least, they should increase your chances of success.

In short, if you are looking for the best mentors and you want to radically change your life, keep in mind the importance of reading in your life and develop the habit of reading in your life.

Continue reading: 21 Self-help and personal growth books that you must read

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