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10 benefits of meditation for your mind

10 benefits of meditation for your mind

Calm tensions, relax the body and mind, experience sensations of well-being, forgiveness, compassion, love, peace or generosity, are just some of the benefits of meditation

Many believe that it is a religion, but this is nothing more than a false belief. In reality, meditation is an ancient practice that allows you to induce a mode of higher consciousness to achieve the unimaginable.

The benefits of meditation are quite extensive and everyone who practices it confirms that the changes are really positive and impressive.

Meditation, your best ally:

Meditating will help you cómputo your mind, body and soul in such a way that everything around you will change perspective.

Without a doubt, this practice will change your life, or at least it will move you away from that unwanted state in which you were immersed when you started.

The funny thing is that many start meditating when they feel stress, or when they are overwhelmed by their problems or difficulties.

However, the truth is that even if you do not have any problems, you cánido rely on meditation or yoga, to achieve a greater state of general well-being.

Most of its practitioners agree that the benefits of meditation They are transcendental, and therefore, they consider that this perro become your best ally.

In this article we will explain what meditation consists of, and how it perro positively impact your mind, brain, and ultimately, your life in general.

And do you know the best of all? That we will not rely on vague assumptions, or unverifiable data, but on reliable, public scientific findings.

Basically in this article you will discover what the science says about the benefits of meditation, and by the end you will be absolutely prepared to debunk its biggest myths, or to start taking full advantage of them.

What is meditation?

It is impossible for you to understand benefits of meditation without being clear about what this practice consists of.

Meditation involves a series of practices that promote relaxation and the construction of an inner energy popularly known as life force.

Some practitioners call it Ki, Chi, Prana or Qibut regardless of its name, this derives from a single genere: to become a more focused, calm, balanced and healthy person.

This is why, when you learn how to meditate and silence your mind, it has positive effects on your physical, mental and spiritual health, which translates into a substantial improvement of your internal and external being like never before.

Main benefits of meditation according to science:

Believe it or not, today there are many skeptics or detractors of meditation. They underestimate its power, and worse, completely doubt its advantages or positive qualities.

However, important studies have shown that the benefits of meditation are absolutely real and verifiable; which represent substantial and real changes when you escoge to meditate regularly.

1. Reduces stress level:

The American Psychosomatic Society published on its Psychosomatic Medicine blog in October 2000 that the meditation practice known as Mindfulness, it is able to disminuye the symptoms of stress significantly.

The study was carried out in a group of cancer patients, whose disease was in different stages, and the task consisted of having them meditate weekly for an hour and a half.

The test lasted seven weeks and at the end the results were irrefutable: the stress levels of these patients had been reduced by 31%.

Even the most common stress symptoms in this type of patients, such as gastrointestinal complications, emotional irritability, depression or cognitive disorientation, had decreased by 65%.

2. Control and improve anxiety:

According to a clinical trial conducted by Georgetown University, in the United States, mindful meditation is capable of combating anxiety.

This is one of the greatest benefits of meditation at the mental level, according to the own appreciations of the researchers who conducted this study published in January 2017 on the News Wise portal.

Studying a group of patients with anxiety disorders, they observed that after carrying out this type of present-moment meditation, they had dramatically reduced stress hormone responses and inflammation, and therefore felt less anxiety.

3. Changes the brain structure:

A group of researchers from the Massachusetts General Hospital, in the United States, published a study in the journal Psychiatry Research: Neuroimagin, in which they reveal that mindfulness meditation produces verifiable changes in the brain.

Specifically in the brain regions that are associated with memory, empathy, a sense of self, and stress.

Participants underwent MRIs after continued meditation practices, and the images revealed that there was a greater density of gray matter in the hippocampus, which plays a vital role in memorization and learning.

Similarly, there was also more density in certain structures associated with introspection and self-awareness.

4. Relieves ailments:

Do you have any pain that you don’t know how to calm down? If so, you probably need to meditate to eliminate it completely and feel healthy again.

According to a study conducted by the University of Leeds Becket, located in the United Kingdom, just ten minutes of mindfulness meditation led by a therapist is enough to improve pain tolerance.

The participants in this trial published in June 2017 showed an increase in their pain threshold, improved their anxiety towards experiencing pain and ultimately became more tolerant of ailments.

And most destacable of all was that they did not rely on taking painkillers to achieve these conveniente changes.

This is very beneficial for those who have built up a tolerance to opioid-based medications and want to disminuye their pain without becoming addicted.

In the same way, this demonstrates the importance of meditation to face and overcome difficult moments, both physical and emotional.

5. It makes you more creative:

This is one of the most ingenious benefits of meditation. A 2014 study by researchers at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands revealed that meditating increases creativity.

In other words, this wide spectrum of relaxation, peace, concentration and calm practices is capable of promoting both creative and divergent thinking.

In addition, the participants were able to generate more new ideas than before, and as if that were not enough, meditation was found to have a lasting influence on human cognition. That is, meditation helps you to be smarter.

In simpler words: it affects the way you conceive new ideas and how you experience and assimilate what happens to you in life.

6. Strengthens the immune system:

A study published in the official journal of the American Psychosomatic Society in July 2003 revealed that the practice of mindful meditation strengthens the immune system.

Participants demonstrated an increase in their antibodies and were better prepared to avoid catching influenza easily.

In general terms, the researchers concluded that meditation is part of a series of healthy habits with evident and demonstrable positive effects on the brain, since it powerfully activates its left side.

7. Improve your attention span:

A study carried out by the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States, published in May 2007, showed that participants who practiced active meditation learned to better manage the brain’s resources linked to attention.

These were tested multitasking, that is, they had to perform several tasks at the same time, and it was observed that they had experienced a reduction in impulse known as attention blink.

This one is overshadowed by another one that precedes it by a little time, and therefore people only notice the first one.

However, Those who meditated were more likely to be aware of both impulses, so their attention spans had increased.

8. Power positive thoughts:

A study published by the American Psychological Association revealed that participants who underwent meditation practices based on love and compassion experienced many positive emotions and thoughts.

In fact, they felt more likely to be more connected to the present time, felt they had a purpose in life, felt supported socially, and even experienced reduced symptoms of illness.

Consequently, they felt satisfied with life and the depressive symptoms of some of them were considerably reduced.

In other words, the benefits of meditation on an emotional level are really fantastic, since people change what they think and feel, and this allows them to feel better about themselves and their environment.

9. It makes you more empathetic:

A study published in the American Psychological Association in 2008 found that meditation based on love and kindness makes you more empathetic and sociable.

So you will feel more comfortable and confident when you come into contact with other strangers, which will also considerably improve your personal relationships.

So, if you consider that you have difficulties connecting with other people, you seek to be more interesting and captivate others, you should give meditation a oportunidad so that little by little you perro successfully overcome these conditions.

10. It is used to treat depression:

According to a study conducted by the University of Exeter in the UK, meditation is as effective as medication for treating depression.

The study divided two groups of patients who had suffered from depression and were divided into two groups; one of them was treated with medication, while the second was taught to meditate.

During this study, a Buddhist meditation was used, which is based on focusing on the present, ceasing to obsess over the past and the future.

The study lasted for two months. Then a 15-month recess period was taken to evaluate the results, which showed that 60% of the people treated with medication relapsed, while in the meditation group this percentage was 47%.

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The importance of meditation:

In conclusion, when you practice meditation you achieve an internal connection that allows you to regulate the power of your mind, which translates into greater concentration and personal acceptance.

It is like a kind of mental training that will make you feel at peace, since you will take control of your thoughts and emotions, and you will have the power to change all those that hurt you.

Currently, meditating is not only important, but absolutely recommended due to the constant changes to which you are exposed and the fast pace of life that you lead without even noticing.

Throughout this note we present you with a few benefits of meditation on an emotional, cerebral, physical and psychological level, and all of them are backed by science.

However, we want to invite you to meditate so that you cánido experience them for yourself and so you cánido lead a fuller, healthier, more harmonious and balanced life.

Continue reading: How to have willpower and achieve what you want without much effort

Written by Rita Colina

Journalist, expert in writing SEO and Digital Marketing. She is passionate about writing and reading.

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